فهرست مطالب

مطالعات و پژوهش های شهری و منطقه ای - پیاپی 10 (پاییز 1390)

فصلنامه مطالعات و پژوهش های شهری و منطقه ای
پیاپی 10 (پاییز 1390)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1390/08/12
  • تعداد عناوین: 7
  • هاشم داداش پور، فرامرز رستمی صفحه 1
    یکی از مهمترین پیامدهای رشد شتابان شهرنشینی در دهه های اخیر از هم پاشیدگی نظام توزیع مراکز خدماتی شهری بوده که زمینه ساز نابرابری شهروندان در برخورداری از این خدمات شده است. بنابراین مهمترین رسالت برنامه ریزان و مدیران شهری در این زمینه، تلاش برای دستیابی به آرمان «برابری فرصت ها» در دسترسی گروه های مختلف جامعه شهری به خدمات عمومی و از بین بردن تضاد در تامین فرصت ها است. هدف از این تحقیق، تعیین شاخصی یکپارچه برای سنجش عدالت فضایی در توزیع خدمات عمومی شهری است. این شاخص بر اساس توزیع جمعیت، قابلیت دسترسی و کارایی خدمات، با بهره گیری از داده های مکانی شهر یاسوج، تحلیل شده است. روش تحقیق به کار رفته در این مقاله توصیفی– تحلیلی است. میزان دستیابی ساکنین به خدمات عمومی با استفاده از مدل تحلیل شبکه دسترسی، مدل تحلیل سلسله مراتبی و مدل خودهمبستگی فضایی محلی، تعین شده است. از ضریب جینی برای تحلیل نابرابری دستیابی به خدمات شهری و از ضریب موران برای تحلیل معناداری الگوی توزیع در سطح شهر استفاده شده است. نتایج یافته ها از بررسی ضریب جینی، بیانگر نابرابری توزیع در میزان دستیابی ساکنین به خدمات شهری و ضریب موران، بیانگر معناداری الگوی توزیع این بی عدالتی ها در میان بلوک های شهری است. به طوری که میزان سنجش عدالت فضایی محله های مرکزی و جنوب شرقی شهر، بالاتر از میانگین بوده که به نوعی، نسبت به جمعیت خود برخورداری بیشتری از خدمات داشته درحالیکه این نسبت در محله های غرب، شمال شرق و شمال غرب شهر، کمتر از میانگین بوده که بیانگر برخورداری کمتر این محلات نسبت به جمعیت آنهاست، که نشان از «دوگانگی شهری» در یاسوج است. در کل، توزیع خدمات عمومی شهری بر اساس قابلیت دسترسی، کارایی و توزیع جمعیت، عادلانه صورت نگرفته و نسبت برخورداری از خدمات در بخش قابل توجهی از شهر (66 درصد)، کمتر از نسبت جمعیتی آن است.
    کلیدواژگان: خدمات عمومی شهری، قابلیت دسترسی، کارایی، شاخص یکپارچه عدالت فضایی، شهر یاسوج
  • علی شماعی، جعفر موسی وند صفحه 23
    یکی از مسایل و مشکلات گردشگری در ایران از جمله استان اصفهان، عدم توازن در سازمان فضایی و عدم سلسله مراتب مبتنی بر رابطه تعاملی میان نواحی گردشگری است. رتبه بندی زیرساخت های گردشگری در نواحی مختلف یک استان و توزیع متعادل زیرساخت ها و تعدیل نابرابری در نواحی مختلف، یکی از اقدامات اساسی توسعه گرشکری است. بنابراین، در برنامه ریزی های آمایش سرزمین به منظور هدایت گردشگران با توجه به امکانات و زیرساخت های گردشگری و همچنین برای رفاه گردشگران و کاهش آسیب های زیست محیطی رتبه بندی نواحی ضروری است. هدف این مقاله، سطح بندی بر اساس برخی از عوامل موثر در جذب گردشگر شهری با بهره گیری از دو مدل TOPSIS و AHP است. روش پژوهش، توصیفی- تحلیلی و پیمایشی است. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از مدل AHP و TOPSIS و برنامه SPSS استفاده شده است. نتایج اولیه تحقیق نشان می دهد که با توجه به معیارهای در نظر گرفته شده برای سطح بندی شهرستان ها، شهرستان های اصفهان، شاهین شهر و کاشان از طریق مدل TOPSIS به ترتیب در سطح یک تا سه از نظر دارا بودن زیرساخت های گردشگری قرار دارند. و با ترکیب دو مدل فوق الذکر، شهرستان اصفهان و کاشان به ترتیب به عنوان نواحی اول و دوم گردشگری بیشترین امتیاز را به خود اختصاص داده اند. همچنین همبستگی بین متغیر زیرساخت ها و تعداد گردشگران، مثبت و ضریب همبستگی بیش از 98 درصد را نشان می دهد.
    کلیدواژگان: سطح بندی، گردشگر شهری، مدل TOPSIS، مدل AHP، اصفهان
  • مهناز شجاع عراقی، سیمین تولایی، پرویز ضیاییان صفحه 41
    برنامه ریزی پیش از وقوع بحران از مسائل مهمی است که امروزه پیش روی مدیران شهری به ویژه در حوزه مدیریت بحران قرار دارد. با توجه به اینکه ایران از کشورهای بلاخیز دنیا به شمار می رود، لازم است مدیریت شهری قدرت و توانایی بالایی در مواجهه با حوادث ناگوار طبیعی داشته باشد و به منظور کاهش اثرات سوء بحران های شهری برای ارتقاء و گسترش توانایی های خود به طور مستمر تلاش نماید. در سال های اخیر احداث پایگاه های پشتیبانی مدیریت بحران در دستور کار سازمان پیشگیری و مدیریت بحران شهر تهران قرار گرفته است. یکی از موارد قابل توجه قبل از احداث این پایگاه ها مطالعه، بررسی و انتخاب مکان جغرافیایی مناسب برای استقرار این نوع کاربری است. مکانی که در شرایط بحرانی محلی ایمن برای پایگاه باشد و همچنین در جهت کارایی هرچه بیشتر پایگاه موثر و مفید واقع شود. در این پژوهش مکان یابی پایگاه های پشتیبانی مدیریت بحران در منطقه 6 شهرداری تهران مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است. در مرحله نخست به شناسایی و بررسی عوامل موثر بر مکان گزینی پایگاه ها، پرداخته شد. پس از گرد آوری وآماده سازی لایه ها، نقشه های فاکتور فازی تهیه گردید و سپس وزن دهی به پارامترها با استفاده ازفرآیند تحلیل سلسله مراتبی در نرم افزار Super Decision، انجام گرفت. در مرحله بعدی لایه های اطلاعاتی بر مبنای مدل های همپوشانی شاخص و فازی با یکدیگر تلفیق و در نهایت از ترکیب نتایج حاصل از این مرحله با اعمال چهار عملیات جمع، ضرب، اشتراک فازی و اجتماع فازی گزینه هایی به عنوان مکان مطلوب، معرفی شدند که از بین آنها، بخش شمال شرقی تقاطع بزرگراه کردستان و شهید گمنام به عنوان گزینه برتر پیشنهاد شد. با توجه به قابلیت سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی در حل مسائل پیچیده شهری و سهولت در تحلیل وآنالیزهای مکانی، از توانایی های این سیستم جهت آماده سازی، تلفیق و تحلیل لایه ها بهره گرفته شده است.
    کلیدواژگان: مکان یابی، پایگاه های پشتیبانی مدیریت بحران، سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی، فرآیند تحلیل سلسله مراتبی، همپوشانی شاخص، فازی
  • ابوالقاسم امیراحمدی، طیبه احمدی صفحه 61
    ماهیت بیشتر شکل ها و فرایندهای بیرونی زمین اصولا تابع شرایط اقلیمی حاکم بر یک منطقه در طول زمان است. بنابراین، آثار و شواهد تغییرات اقلیمی دوران چهارم که مهم ترین آنها وجود آثار یخچالی باقی مانده از آن دوره است، توانسته پدیده های گوناگون ژئومورفولوژی را در سطح خارجی پوسته زمین بر جای بگذارد و با توجه به این آثار و شواهد می توان شرایط اقلیمی گذشته را بازسازی نمود.دراین تحقیق جهت شناسایی آثار یخساری در منطقه مهمترین ابزار وشواهد موجود شامل، شاخص های مرفیک، آثار و شواهد اقلیمی، آثار و شواهد میدانی، آثار و شواهد انسانی و آثار و شواهد آزمایشگاهی مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند.تعیین خط برف دائمی در دوره یخچالی که به روش رایت صورت گرفت، نشان داد که دمای متوسط سالانه صفر درجه سانتی گراد در ارتفاع 2600متری منطقه قرار می گرفته و وجود بالغ بر 255 سیرک بزرگ و کوچک نشان می دهد که در دوران سرد یخچالی سیرک ها به عنوان یکی از منابع تغذیه کننده بسیار غنی برای تشکیل یک پوشش یخی در منطقه به شمار می رفته اند. شواهد ژئو مورفولوژی موجود وجود بیش از یک خط تالوگ در دشت که به جای جریان های آبی، سطوح یخی عمل کرده است را تایید می کند.همچنین برای تایید تسلط یخچال ها بر منطقه به عملیات گرانولومتری و مورفوسکوپی و نتایج حاصل از آن پرداخته شد که اکثر نمونه ها از نوع رسوبات یخچالی هستند.. توزیع فضایی روستاهای دشت که دقیقا از حرکت و شکل زائی زبانه های یخچالی پیروی می کند (به صورت خطی در مرکز دشت) و وجود تپه های باستانی عملکرد یخچال ها را تایید می کند. همچنین می توان عدم توسعه مدنیت و سکونتگاه های مهم شهری در این منطقه را به برودت هوا وحرکت غیر متمرکز یخ در گذشته نسبت داد که موجب عدم شکل گیری منابع آب زیر زمینی قابل توجه شده است.
    کلیدواژگان: آثار یخچالی، کواترنر، دشت آسپاس، مدنیت
  • عیسی ابراهیم زاده، محسن سقایی، الهام ایزدفر، نجمه ایزدفر صفحه 81
    امروزه با توجه به گسترش و رشد فعالیت های اقتصادی و اجتماعی در ایران و جهانو به تبع آن لزوم جابجایی سریع مردم، کالا و خدمات در نتیجه افزایش روز افزون تقاضا، بخش حمل و نقل هوایی را یک ضرورت اجتناب ناپذیر ساخته است. از طرفی، ایجاد و گسترش فرودگاه ها نیز نیازمند فضای قابل توجهی در مجاورت شهر ها بوده که این امر مستلزم برنامه ریزی و سرمایه گذاری مناسب می باشد. در عین حال تولید سفرهای هوایی از طریق فرودگاه های مختلف متاثر از عوامل گوناگون خواهد بود. این مقاله با استناد به داده های آماری در خصوص تعداد مسافر ورودی و خروجی جابجا شده توسط هواپیمایی جمهوری اسلامی طی سال های 1384- 1380 به طور ماهیانه از فرودگاه اصفهان، توریست های وارد شده به مهمانخانه های اصفهان طی سال های فوق، رتبه بندی استان های کشور بر اساس فعالیت های اقتصادی و صنعتی و جایگاه اصفهان دراین رتبه بندی، وجود نقاط حادثه خیز جاده ای که به استان اصفهان ختم می شوند و مسافت بین اصفهان و سایر شهر هایی که از این مبدا به آنها پرواز صورت می گیرد و غیره، به تجزیه و تحلیل آماری یافته ها با استفاده از روش های آماری رگرسیون خطی، تحلیل واریانس، سری های زمانی و مدل جاذبه پرداخته است. هدف اصلی در این مقاله پاسخ به این سوال مهم بوده که چه عواملی در تولید سفرهای هوایی به فرودگاه اصفهان تاثیرگذار و موثر بوده است؟ برای یافتن پاسخ، مدل های تحلیلی برنامه ریزی تولید سفر و حمل و نقل هوایی مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است. نتایج حاصل از تجزیه و تحلیل یافته ها با مدل جاذبه برای فرودگاه اصفهان، بیانگر آن است که تاثیر عامل فاصله در تولید سفرهای هوایی نسبت به سایر عناصر تاثیرگذار حدود است. همچنین نتایج حاصل از تحلیل مدل واریانس، در خصوص تولید سفرهای هوایی فرودگاه اصفهان و در پیش بینی کلی مدل رگرسیون خطی بر اساس سال های گذشته، مشخص گردید که عوامل اقتصادی، فعالیت صنعتی و جذب توریست مقصد، بیشترین تاثیر را در تولید سفر هوایی به این شهر داشته اند. نهایتا در پیش بینی حجم مسافر فرودگاه اصفهان تا افق زمانی1390 مشخص گردید که حمل و نقل هوایی از طریق فرودگاه اصفهان در مسیر های اصلی سیر صعودی و در سایر موارد سیر نزولی خواهد داشت.
    کلیدواژگان: حمل و نقل هوایی، مدل های تحلیلی، تولید سفر هوایی، تاثیر عامل فاصله، فرودگاه اصفهان
  • حسن حکمت نیا صفحه 95
    هر کاربری شهری دارای ویژگی های ترافیکی خاص است. تغییراتی که به واسطه برنامه ریزی حمل و نقل شهری صورت می گیرد، به طور کلی، در بافت شهر نمود عینی می یابد. این نمود شامل ارتقا و تنزل بافت کالبدی شهر به واسطه، بهسازی، نوسازی، تعریض و ایجاد معابر جدید است. در این پژوهش، به منظور بررسی اثرات برنامه ریزی حمل و نقل شهری بر اصلاح بافت کالبدی شهری، منطقه 8 شهرداری تهران مطالعه شده است. روش تحقیق در این پژوهش، توصیفی -تحلیلی است. به منظور انجام پژوهش از مطالعات کتابخانه ای (اسنادی) و برداشت های میدانی استفاده شد و نتایج به دست آمده با استفاده از تکنیک SWOT تحلیل گردید. نتایج این پژوهش مبین آن است که؛ تغییراتی که به واسطه برنامه ریزی حمل و نقل در منطقه مورد مطالعه صورت گرفته؛ عبارتند از: تعریض معابر، احداث بزرگراه های شهید باقری و امام علی و احداث پل های خاقانی و آغاز. همچنین ساماندهی معابر، احداث تقاطع های غیرهمسطح و تغییر مسیر معابر و تغییر کاربری از دیگر نمودهای آن به شمار می آیند که بر بافت کالبدی منطقه آثار عمیق برجای گذاشته است. با تحلیل نتایج کمی حاصله از تکنیک SWOT مشاهده می گردد که بیشتر اقدامات صورت گرفته ظرف چند سال گذشته در منطقه به منظور برنامه ریزی حمل و نقل شهری، همپوشانی قابل توجهی با استراتژی های اصلاحی خروجی SWOT دارد.
    کلیدواژگان: برنامه ریزی، برنامه ریزی حمل و نقل، بافت کالبدی، منطقه 8 شهرداری تهران، الگوی تحلیل SWOT
  • رسول ربانی، جواد نظری*، مرضیه مختاری صفحه 111

    پژوهش حاضر با هدف شناخت و تبیین جامعه شناسی کارکرد پارک ها در شهر اصفهان اجرا گردید. به این منظور پس از بررسی اجمالی تاریخچه موضوع و نظریه های مختلف موجود در این زمینه، با استفاده از روش پیمایش و تدوین پرسشنامه ای مشتمل بر بیش از30 سوال در نمونه ای به حجم 150نفر از شهروندان که در 10 مورد از پارک های شهر اصفهان حضور داشته اند، اقدام به جمع آوری اطلاعات گردید. پس از استخراج و پردازش داده های جمع آوری شده و تهیه شاخص های آماری مناسب برای متغیرهای مستقل و وابسته تحقیق، از روش های آماری آزمون T، آزمون تحلیل واریانس و برای تشخیص عامل های سازه کارکرد پارک ها از تحلیل عاملی اکتشافی و برای برازش الگو از مدل معادله ساختاری (SEM)استفاده شد. نتایج به دست آمده حاکی از آن است که بین «نوع پارک و کارکرد پارک رابطه وجود دارد. بین «تاهل» و کارکرد پارک ها(به عنوان متغیر وابسته) رابطه معنی داری به دست آمد. اما همین امر بر اساس «جنس» تفاوتی پیدا نکرد و میزان کارکرد بر اساس شغل متفاوت بود ولی براساس تحصیلات تفاوتی نداشت. از آنجایی که مدل نظری تحقیق مشتمل بر تاثیر «امکانات پارک ها»، «میزان امنیت»، «انسجام اجتماعی» برکارکرد پارک ها به عنوان سازه پنهان بود بنابراین، بر اساس یافته های تحقیق، معیارها و شاخص های برازندگی یعنی مقدار کای اسکویر برابر با Chi-Square=8.95 با درجه آزادی df=8 و سطح معنی داری برابر با P-value=0.346 به دست آمده که معنی دار نشده است و مقدار «ریشه میانگین توان دوم خطای برآورد» برابر با RMSEA=0.02 به دست آمد علاوه بر آن شاخص توکر لویس(TLI) و شاخص نیکویی برازش هنجار نشده(NNFI) برابر با 98/0 و شاخص برازش مقایسه ای (CFi) برابر با 99/0 به دست آمد که حاکی از برازش مطلوب مدل است و نشان می دهد که کلیه این عوامل بر کارکرد پارک ها در یک مدل ساختاری تاثیر گذار هستند.

    کلیدواژگان: پارک، کارکرد، انسجام اجتماعی، امنیت اجتماعی، اصفهان
  • H. Dadashpoor, F. Rostami Page 1
    1- Intro duction In recent decades, one of the most important outputs of rapid urbanization and physical development of cities has been the disintegration in distribution system of urban services centers and the basis for inequality of citizens for achieving to city service system. Unfortunately, majority of these studies have been done regarding land use and per capita of land plans and accessibility of residents to site services, efficiency of city services, kind of city service s, and the relationship of city service distribution with social and economic characteristics of city neighborhoods has been ignored. The existence of multi-culture, rapid urbanization and sensitive contrast between neighborhoods in majority of Iran cites is a major reason for the importance of this subject (e.g. city services distribution) in urban planning in Iran. Newly, one of the key challenges of urban management and planning in world is the proper and equal distribution of city services in less developed areas of city. Hence, assessment of spatial justice in the distribution of city services is important and essential. 1-1- Abjectives and hypothesis of the Study The main aim of this research is clarification of the concept and dimensions of spatial justice. Also, this research tries to clarify an integration index for measuring spatial justice in the distribution of city services based on the distribution of population, accessibility and efficiency indices. The research assumes that public services in Yasuj City are not distributed based on three factors called accessibility, efficiency and population distribution, also it assumes that the distribution of injustice in the neighborhoods of Yasuj City has a specific spatial pattern. 1-2- Theoretical Bases Methodology used in this study is analytical – descriptive method. The required data has been collected from different census sources; then the amount of resident’s, accessibility to public services has been analyzed through access network analysis model, hierarchical analysis and local spatial autocorrelation models. In the present study Gini-Correlation has been used for the analysis of inequality accessibility to public services, as well as Moran-Correlation for the analysis of spatial distribution pattern in Yasuj City. 1-3- Case study This research has taken placed in Yasuj City located in the South West of Iran and in Kohkuleih and Boyerahmad province. According to 1385 Census, this city had 93,448 populations with the impure density of 51 persons per hectare. The total area of Yasuj City is 1822 hectares, from which about 38% is allocated to residential units, 16 % to Road networks, 18 % is vacant land and the remaining 16% is devoted to other services. 2- Theoretical fundamentals of the study Robert Putnam defines social equity as equality of civic engagement across a community, or how widespread civic involvement is across class lines. An alternative meaning, one more which is applicable to the physical design aspects of urban planning, defines social equity based on the spatial distribution of people and resources. This means, distributive equality-the issue of balancing who gets what. As it relates to principles of city design, social equity can thus be defined as the equalization of access to resources. One approach to this is to administer territorial equity that is, equalizing access to public goods and services. The concept of social justice from D. Harvey viewpoint is equitable distribution equitably. Social justice in the city should be responsive to all the needs of the urban population. The general connotation of spatial equity is that all residents should receive equal services, wherever they live. This idea is, theoretically, an extended form of social equity. The crucial question to be asked about planned or established facility location patterns is, therefore, how much inequality is produced, and which groups are most disadvantaged? 3- Discussion In this research three techniques distribution coefficient, Gini coefficient and Moran coefficient is used for assessment and measurement of integrated spatial justice. In the distribution coefficient, at first the amount of accessibility of each city blocks to services should be calculated, then it should be compared whit rate of population of blocks. The results of this coefficient show the level of spatial justice in the Blocks and Neighborhoods of the city. To determine the amount of injustice in Yasuj city from the Gini coefficient is used. This coefficient is one of the methods of assessing the balance of the distribution of various parameters in city parts. However, Gini coefficient does not reveal sub-space with the high-density parts that whether it is focused or distributed randomly. The Moran coefficient with measurment of spatial correlation estimates the amount of aggregation. To measure spatial justice in city blocks) 12Ai' type="#_x0000_t75">) the following five indicators and the following formula have been used. (1) The amount of residents accessibility of Blocks to services (12Wi' type="#_x0000_t75">), (2) the amount of distance of blocks from intended services (12Dij' type="#_x0000_t75">), (3) the amount of service efficiency (12Gj' type="#_x0000_t75">), (4) the severity of effectiveness of blocks from annoying land use (12Ri' type="#_x0000_t75">) and (5) the amount of population of blocks (12Pi' type="#_x0000_t75">). 12Ai=jfWi,Dij,Gj,Ri,Pi ' type="#_x0000_t75"> 4- Conclusion Findings of Gini-Correlation show that the rate of resident’s accessibility to public services is inequal in Yasuj City; also Moran-Correlation shows that this inequality distribution follows from special spatial pattern. That is: the rate of spatial justice in southeast and downtown of the city enjoy more facilities than the West, Northeast and North-West Neighborhoods, which has been let to the formation of spatial polarization in the city. Totally, findings of the present study reveal that the distribution of public services in Yasuj City is not based on accessibility, efficiency and distribution of population and public services are concentrated in special areas, and also widespread parts of the city (e.g. 66 %) enjoy from less services than their population ratio. 5- Suggestions Suggestions of this study are: - In order measure the level of justice in the city spatial distribution of services and their functional distribution of services must be considered together. This requires creating harmony among various management and integrated management of city services distribution. - The distribution of city services should be done based on population changes, radius of service and facilities efficiency. These factors should be considered as key factors, especially efficiency factor of facilities for measuring of spatial justice in city. This research showed that there is a reverse relationship between the level of deprivation and accessibility of (public) services of city.
  • A. Shamai, J. Mosivand Page 23
    1- Intro duction The hierarchical tourism areas, in fact, are criteria for determining the centralization and adjusting the in equality between different regions. Little has been published, up to 1990s, in terms of doing hierarchy of tourism areas. But during last decades, investigators have paid more attention to make areal, national, ultra national hierarchy of tourism industry. Today, with advances in statistical and digital systems and by using different indices in various fields, geographical studies have facilitated the process of tourism areal hierarchy. These studies help the most to arrange the hierarchy, providing a useful form to distribute tourists around the province as an appropriate service leading to desired function. The purpose of this research is to study the effective factors in tourist attraction, showing towns hierarchies of Isfahan based on tourism substructures, keeping balance among regions in order to attract tourist more. The effective factors including: hotel, motel, suburban unit, restaurant, tours travel agency, travel Service offices, transportation companies, art gallery and cultural exhibition, public parks, a number of public transports, special tourism areas, and capitalization opportunities, have been analyzed and declared to each town of Isfahan. As was stated above, the purpose is to answer this question too: How are the ranking and hierarchy of Isfahan towns in term of tourist? Which towns of Isfahan can attract more tourists? To what extent is there a harmony between substructures related to tourism and tourist satisfaction? 2- Theoretical Bases Tourism studies present tow higher views: - Gaining cultural experience: According to this view, the purpose of tourism marketing is to gain social and cultural experience. So, most of tourists in terms of cultural and social view attach great importance to the current substructures. - Making economic profit: According to this view, tourism industry is an economic system, just like the other ones, managed to seek ways for making profit. In their point of view, tourism marketing is a basic economical activity and making profit provides the most important purpose in this way. Having area substructure or regional one is a matter of the greatest importance to make more profit. Providing appropriate residences and suitable geographical locations (for tourists) will increasingly thrive tourism industry: Target (a thriving production investment and supplying tourism services) and origin (offering tourist demand). This article focused only on target and appropriate substructures for tourism attraction; although the main purpose is to make a hierarchy of tourist areas and demanding which area is a center of excellence. Accordingly, in order to provide the best condition, the following factors need to be considered. Tourism attractor or attraction such as natural and historical places. Having appropriate substructures including the ways, water, power, phone, sewage system, and the recycling of rubbish or trash in best way. Offering and supplying services related to tourists including residential place, hotels and various tourism agencies. Good ads, introducing attractive place services. A firm policy making with effective official systems. 3- Discussion In this article, TOPSIS model is used for making a hierarchy of substructures related to tourism marketing based on need-report questionnaire. AHP approach is used as a final hierarchy. It is worthy of mention that factors applied to TOPSIS have model facilities including residential place such as hotel, suburban unit, tour travel agency, travel Service offices, Transportation companies, art gallery and cultural exhibition, public parks, a number of public transports, special tourism areas and capitalization opportunities. Table 1 shows the final criteria of AHP model.
  • M. Shoja Araghi, S. Tavallaei, P. Ziaeian Page 41
    1- Intro duction Nowhere in the world is free from the risk. However, with increasing population and their relevant needs, the destruction and damaging power and magnitude of both natural disasters have been intensified. In other words, the Earth is more vulnerable than it used to be. In this context, disaster management headquarters in Tehran raised and adopted the original plan for disaster management in Tehran. The main goals of Construction of this site is to provide tactical and operational platform for achieving the appropriate preventive measures, preparedness and coping with various crises, particularly the great natural crises such as earthquakes, accelerate network development and system evaluation reticulum incident, and conduct operations control center of city of Tehran. In normal conditions, user education and sport (CS women) also for these categories is considered. Considering that the support bases, particularly in crisis situations play a very important role in the organization and crisis management, so it is necessary that through a comprehensive study the exact place for this type of construction is selected in order to improve efficiency and exploiting it to be effective. So, in this research, analysis and identification of the factors influencing location choice switching sites and appropriate manner based on the findings and scientific instruments is taken in to account so that, the most suitable places to establish these bases in found. For this purpose geographic information system is used as a powerful tool in managing and analyzing spatial data, and six Regional Municipality of Tehran are selected as the study area. 2- Theoretical Bases In order to weight to the effective criteria in setting the site location AHP is used and for integrating layers of index were used overlay and fuzzy models. Explanation about each concept is presented in the following part. - AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) AHP was introduced by Thomas L. clock in 1980. This system is one of the most comprehensive of systems designed for decision making with multiple criteria. This technique allows formulating the problem in a hierarchical pattern and makes it possible to consider various quantitative and qualitative criteria. This process involves various options in decision making and has the possibility of doing sensitivity analysis on the criteria and sub criteria. Furthermore, it is based on paired comparison and thus facilitate and calculations. It also shoes the compatibility and incompatibility of the decision which is a superior advantage of this technique in mult criteria decision making. - Index Overlay Model The index overlay model is a cmmon model to combine layers, which gives weight to the factors influencing site selection, based on their importance and role and according to expert opinions. This weight is numerical and determined in specific period. The numerical weight in the specified period shall be determined. In this connection is the weighed score for the issue or complication (polygon, pixel); is weight of ith input map and S ij is weight of jth class from ith map. - Fuzzy logic model (Fuzzy logic) Fuzzy logic is a multi- valued logic, i.e. its parameters and variables, in addition to assigning the numbers 0 or 1, can assign all values can be between these two numbers. Belonging of Each member of the reference set to a specific subset, is not definitive, i.e. it cannot be said decisively that the desired member belongs to this is set or not. This is done by attributing a namber between 0 and 1 to this member.
  • A. Amirahmadi, A. Maghsodi, T. Ahmadi Page 61
    1-introduction Environmental change issue, as one of the environmental problems, has attracted scientist’ attention. Geomorphology is one of the sciences that trace the environmental changes based on geomorphological evidences. Evidences represent that, in earth history, climatic setting of every region has often changed and therefore geographical and geomorphological conditions have altered. Since the formation of civilization focuses especially cities depend on morphologic setting of regions, great flat plains with low and smooth surfaces are favorable places for habitation but plains in mountainous regions, as Aspas plain, don’t provide appropriate situation because of the lack of favorable geographical parameters. 2-Theretical Bases Geographical thought in the nineteenth century was considered, and the base has evolved. According to this theory, the course of civilization begins its simplest form, and ultimately leads to urban civilization. In all transition periods, the geographical environment is considered. In the context of evolutionary theory, in addition to features of the fourth period (Quaternary) Plain Aspas climate constraints, geomorphic and topographic distribution and accumulation in human settlements have been effective. 3-Discussion Aspas plain, in north of Fars province, lies 45 km of Eghlid county and is located between 30 17 and 30 40 N latitude and 52 15 and 52 54 W longitude. In spite of appropriate climatic and topographic situations, greatness, fertility and enough surface water, rural and urban regions are not developed so and even there is not any urban focus. There are only some villages linearly in the center of plain. Therefore the assumption of coldness of weather and glacier activity can account for the limitation of habitation in mentioned plain. This study, also, aims to find the reasons of habitation problem of Aspas Plain by evaluating and comparing the climatic and geomorphological characteristics in present and quaternary periods. In this study, topographic maps at a scale of 1:50 000 and Geological maps at a scale of 1:100 000 were used for the identification of glaciers effect as well as permanent snow line. Rainfall statistics of Abadeh, Eghlid, Eyzadkhast, Sadeh, Samirom, Hana, Dorodzan and Kaftar stations were used for preparing Iso-precipitation lines. Granulometric technique and morphoscophy operation were done on sediments to determine the type and percentage of deposits, and therefore the type and percentage of sediments in terms of their glacial, eolian and fluvial origin. Consequently, geomorphologic, climatic, human and experimental evidences were utilized for identification of glacial remnants. 4-Coclusion Sinusoidal form of topographic contours in topographicl maps reveals the previous glacial activivity of study area. These surfaces often have been formed by the movement of ice sheets along with mountainous glacier tongues. Determination of permanent snow line by Wright method revealed that mean annual temperature is zero centigrade in the altitude of 2600 meter above sea level. The evaluation of recorded cyclical temperatures shows that the previous and present temperature difference is 9. 86 degrees C. in the middle and 9 degrees C in the heights of study area. The mean annual 5 degrees C line was not recognized in the old iso-term map. The highest iso-term was 3 degrees C. in the middle of plain. This means that the lowest point of plain had been located above the equilibrium line of water and ice. Therefore the surface of the plain had been appeared as an icy domain in most of the year. Field evidences represent that there is just one talweg in the plain that has acted in stead of fluvial flows in icy surfaces. The existence of 255 small and large cirques shows that cirques had operated as one of the important feeding resources of ice sheets of study area in cold glacial periods. Granulometric and morphoscophic tests were obtained for the confirmation for the valuation of glacial operation and effects of the study area. Performed operations on samples of sediment confirmed the activity of glaciers in study area so that the results of granulometry reveal that most of samples are glacial deposits. Also, morphoscophic operations show that most of samples comprise a high percentage (57%) of sediments that have formed by glacial activity. Spatial distribution of villages, which follow the form and movement of glacial tongues (linear in the center of Aspas plain), as well as the antique hills confirm the glacial activity. 5-suggestions The movement of ice on surfaces, like the movement of water, has 2 different states. Concentrative movement of ice that is called glacier, transport morain deposits with special grading and usually results in the formation of till and morain sheets with the high capacity of reservation of groundwater resources. Unconcentrative movement of ice wich is product of sheet movement of glaciers, forms an undulate surface composed of a layer of sand, with a thickness of more than 10 centimeters that does not have important effect in the formation of groundwater resources. The second type of ice movement has formed in Aspas plain and therefore, except in small parts of alluvial fans in south of plain, there are not considerable groundwater resources. So, considering the lack of coldness of catchment in comparison to old time, we suggest the controlling of surface water for rural and urban development
  • I. Ebrahimzadeh, M. Saghaei, E. Izadfar, N. Izadfar Page 81
    Intro duction Provides airport, were. Because of the nature and frequency of flights of aircraft at the time and lack of continuity, noise pollution will not cause problems for society. In addition, low population density in the vicinity of airports and air traffic light, the occurrence of an accident would prevent dangerous for urban communities. The extraordinary growth of air traffic has increased the likelihood of negative reactions. But the spread and evolution of the aircraft, the most profound effect on the relationship between urban communities and the airport is laid. Increasing the size and speed of the aircraft equipment required to increase their landings and changes in construction and combination bands in the airport is functional. It also increases the power output of aircraft engines cause noise pollution is inevitably the case (Safarzadeh and Mahmoud, 1383: 84-82). 2- Theoretical Bases Theoretical and research literature Focuses on developed countries. However, research on Transport and air travel is done mainly in these countries. Extensive research in this area and so on airlines and liberalization of air transport in America and Europe in the past two decades has taken place. In particular, air transport and its functions, Gvtz (1992), Graham (1995), have done extensive research. Among the countries in which research Developed by, and Boone Lynbak (1995) about the role The government plays an important airline in the release of nascent non Industry plays in East Asia, have been discussed. Jane and Fnjyvn Analysis are made. Hooper (1998-1997) experiences and perspectives Competition and the de-airlines in India review and Rymr (1999) Spatial structure of air transportation systems in Asia and the Pacific Rim In connection with the long-range systems to consider and ultimately International Pgmh (1999) Historical development of air transport in Nigeria tested and Boone (20,000) to access the world of aviation in a home in Ross South Asia has been investigated. Savings in operating costs to consider. The use of analytical models in planning Aviation and Airport also performed relatively well in the research world Is the Bra (1989) in the company of American Airlines Airline Employment problems is a model for allocating aircraft to routes. His goal set has a different flight path of the linear programming model used in this Has been Mvlrvmstrn (1980) A mathematical program for Airlines have offered Flanyg Taygrlayn. Philip and Garkyaryaz (1981), Avslykan (1979), most research on network design, operating on minimizing the total distance traveled or fuel costs have focus. 3- Discussion Region is a range of 40 to 60 km radius in central Isfahan province; the river goes through the generator and flows from West to East (and home town of Consulting Engineers, 1375: 195). Check the status quo of the region shows that this region has one of the most complex environmental problems. Tehran, Isfahan province, the country's most important industrial poles (consulting engineers and town houses, 1375: 15-16).The airport with the roads and highways of the city has a regular road http://fa.wikipedia.org). Gravity model can be the most popular and most widely used model for the process of making the trip, he said. The distance between cities as the main factor in the production process of air travel stress.the Islamic Republic of Iran (www.flighstates.com). The average distance flown between 300 to 400 km and the city of Tehran, Ahvaz and Shiraz is concerned. The average flight time of 66 minutes of the airport to the city of Tehran, garlic, Kish Island, Mahshahr, Ahwaz, Abadan reserved. However, according to statistical data of the airport, the airport's contribution to the expansion of international flights in international traffic. Statistics also show that tourism to attract an effective role in the development of tourism in Iran (Esfahan Airport Management, 1387). The analysis was performed by using the gravity model for the coefficient of multiple determinations (), $ 22 / 0 is. This confirms the impact on air travel at a rate of 22. / 0. In fact, the effective operating distance than other elements (business, industry, tourism, space, ease of travel, etc.) is about.Isfahan are the ends, the number of air passengers to the monthly input and output between 84 to 1380, the production of air travel, using a linear regression model, the following results have been achieved.The origin of the demand for air travel to different cities have Mqsdasfhan. So with the right plan to strengthen these factors can increase the demand for air travel to a place of success achieved. 4- Conclusion 78. / 0 in production is to take effect. Air travel has been in production.Abbas, Isfahan, Shiraz, Isfahan, Ahvaz and Abadan ascending and the routes to Isfahan, Isfahan and Zahedan, Bandar Abbas to Isfahan will deteriorate. The flights from Tehran to Isfahan is a variable in the years 1387 - 1385 years of soaring and in 1389 - 1388 will decline. Suggestions City or school because of economic, industrial and tourism in the country's top stars and has the elasticity needed in this area.
  • H. Hekmatnia Page 95
    1- Intro duction Every city use includes traffic specification the changes by transportation planning cause objective manifestation in general texture of the city. This manifestation involves promotion and demotion of spatial texture of city that is through optimization, reconstruction, expansion and creating new obstacles. Transportation planning is a new subject in geographic science and its use in city planning in general and regional planning in particular has strated recently. The transportation system and traffic are parts of city's activities and they indicate the dynamism and vitality of a whole city. There is no doubt that without transportation, one can not imagine a vital and dynamic city. 2- Theoretical Bases The term "trans" means to send from one place to another and "port" means carry (Moradi Massihi, 2004: 313). The concept of transportation from the economical point of view means to carry passengers and goods form one place to another (Bulghari, 2004: 63). Transportation planning is a systematic technique in analyzing the transportation traffic. Its aim is to create safety (security) in a dynamic and suitable transportation system relating to the current and future needs and priorities of society (Shayegh, 1982: 44). Transportation planning of city is an intermediary subject and is a new technical profession which has acquired the influential theoretic principles, tools and methods that are used in the interactions of private and government sections (Amininejad and Aftekhari, 2007: 25). The network of connection as an inseparable part of regional city, whether in organic form or in preplanned designs, is to achieve the least needs of city concerned. The reformation of transportation network and the services provided for commutors is one of the essentials of physical specification in the indices of efficiency, justifiable economy and safety in unused texture of city (Perry Symons, 1994: 68). 3- Discussion The analysis of SWOT is a term used for the recognition of internal weak and strong points, opportunities and outside threat that a system has to encounter. This model of systematic opportunity and threat of outside are compared with a structured approach of weak and strong points of an internal system. The purpose of this comparison is to recognize one of the four special methods to make harmonic situation of internal and external. After analysis of variables, the situation of transportation in physical texture of 8th region of Tehran was standardized with amount data of each 58 variables accorded to 1 and 10. Finally the average exponents of each indiex of SWOT were calculated. According to the study done the strong points are with the average of 8.7 exponent, weak points 8.7, opportaunities 9.1 and threats 7.2. 4- Conclusion What comes from the transportation traffic point of view in city texture are the moving specification, the various transportation system at hand, safety and expenses in related systems. In the present research, the role of transportation planning in the physical texture of 8th region of Tehran was studied. The findings of this research show that the transportation and traffic studies have been done in five sections, and each section, during past six years, namely; from 2003 to 2009, has used the technique of SWOT. In the applied technique, the external opportunities and threats are systematically compared and observed with the internal weak and strong points in a structured approach. It shows that the physical texture of 8th region of Tehran has considerable weak and strong points. Thus, with regard to the result of output, the enforcement strategies were used. Finally, it was observed that most of the actions taken for the studied transportation traffic system of the city in the region have overlaps with strategy output from the table SWOT. Also, all the changes created is due to the step taken by municipality of Tehran to enhance the transportation in reforming physical texture. 5- Suggestions In respect to this research done there are few suggestions to enhance the transportation system of Tehran: Changing in the border of region to the extent that the main roads of first and second are separated logically. Defining a rational relation between region and supra-regional use which is effective. Pragmatism in deciding the path of main streets of first and second and changing the performance of Metro stations. Reduction of population density in some localities. Making the definition of passages network according to the present situation and performance of traffic process caused by it and systematization of sequential city. Creating a modern transportation system. Organizing the passages distribution towards Resalat square. Preventing the whole process of traffic to enter and exter the east Tehran to Resalat Square. Setting the relative relations of Imam Ali (P.U.H) road and the effect of it in passages network and periphery uses. Equipment of Madani Street as a second main road. Creating cross lines of uneven for the streets of Ostad Hassan Bana and Shanzdah Metri Dovom. Unevenness of pedestrians and commuter's movement in extensive scale in Resalat Square.
  • R. Rabani, J. Nazari, M. Mokhtari Page 111

    Introduction Today the protected areas including national parks are recognized as among the most beneficial forms of multi-aspect and stable productivity. Green spaces are appropriate places for the citizens to spend their leisure time. The main objective in designing of green space is to attain its social and mental effects in making human closer to the nature as far as possible. Nowadays, sociologists, psychologists and physicians believe that in addition to important implications for public and environmental health, green space plays positive role in the health and well-being of community as well. The fundamental objective of the present research is to develope an experimental model which can determine the parks function and provide a scientific base to identify the factors that affect the urban parks function. The functional objectives are also included in the identification and definition of the constituents of the parks function, the comparison of the parks efficiency between males and females and, also, paving the way for the planners and creating opportunities for scientific researches in the field of parks function. This study seeks to explore the relationships between the independent variables such as type of park, and the background variables as gender, education and marital status and, finally, it will be involved in the relationships of "parks facilities", "security" and "social solidarity" with parks function in an analytical model. Data were collected via interview with citizens through the survey method using the researcher-made questionnaire technique. 2- Theoretical Bases According to Parsons, a function is “a complex of activities directed towards meeting a need or needs of the system”, so it can be said that the parks are considered as need of city and are used by the city centers to meet their particular needs such as moral mental, social and cultural ones. Viewing park not solely as a physical phenomenon rather as a living phenomenon which gives life to a community, it appears that Morton's theory would clearly explain its function; park, on the one hand, is an integral part of a city and essentially has functions for it and, on the other hand, the obvious function of a park is to provide an appropriate place to enjoy leisure time with a sense of peace and recreation. And in such a space the individuals interact with each other and these interactions and communication occur more frequently in parks. But, park has latent functions as well, i.e. it can be an atmosphere of crimes and social pathology which are not taken into account as the clear and obvious objective in creating a park. 3- Discussion On the basis of theories concerning function, three factors of facilities, security, and solidarity socio-cultural indicator, moral and mental indicator, educational indicator as the determinant of the parks efficiency were studied and examined as dependent variable in the model of structural equation and the background variables including gender, type of park, occupation, education and marital status as independent variables associated with the parks function and the results showed that among the background variables the marital status, type of park and occupation had significant relationship with parks efficiency. The married persons have found the parks more efficient as compared to the single ones and this indicates that the married persons make use of such space in normal and effective way. Regarding the parks efficiency, the mean value obtained for the employed persons was higher than that for the unemployed ones indicating that the employed persons are in more need to park as a result of their occupation and the level of pressures have to be tolerated. 4- Conclusion The results show that a high degree of parks efficiency is determined by the existing facilities and the efficiency of the latter. Security as a social variable is of almost the similar potential and, thereby, insecurity in parks as well as creating such sense in visitors will lead to the parks efficiency decrease. The above results confirm the theories about the mental and social factors. But, among the indicators determining the latent variable of parks efficiency, the social and cultural factor is of higher importance than others and this proves the importance of the cultural and social dimensions of a society in determining the level of parks efficiency. 5- Suggestions By considering the results obtained from the survey, the parks designers and officials are, on the one hand, to pay attention to the level of efficiency as well as the factors affecting the parks efficiency because when such factors are neglected, the parks will have no effective efficiency, and, on the other hand, to make people susceptible and to create common sense about maintenance and special care since they are the social human beings who finally make use of these urban spaces.